Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lost on Lost

I have just caught up on Season 3 of Lost. I have been watching it on the internet. (My sister bought me Season 2 for my birthday and I just watched it a few months ago).

Well, I didn't realize the last episode was not on so I had to read it because I could not wait to find out the end...Lost doesn't read that well. Or should I say, whoever writes the paraphrase doesn't write that well....I think it would be difficult whomever the writer was.

So, am I reading it right? They get off the island and Jack meets Kate to tell her they need to go back? I have to say that I think they have thickened the plot so much and added so many characters that the darn thing might implode. The connections are becoming a little ridiculous (Claire is Jacks' half sister?) I miss them running around fighting over water and whose going to push the button next.

And, sorry for all you Desmond fans, but he just annoys me. That episode with him
having flashes, seeing Charlie on the street, trying to predict the soccer game was just chaotic.
His accent doesn't even help him (as it usually would for me). Ya got that, brotha?
But I like him more than Claire. I was wishing that it was really her that was supposed to drown.


Marni said...

Ok, first the blog and now a Lost discussion - in October. I knew you were the bomb... I knew it!

I have heard that they are going to do a lot of flash forwards in the next season. Maybe that will help us understand what happened. I'm still trying to figure out who was in the coffin at the funeral home. No one was there except Jack. Could it have been Locke? Sawyer? BEN?

And who did Kate have to get home to? Sawyer? Her kid?

I am so ready for the show to start back. Another rumor is there may be a writer's strike so it will put off the start even longer than February!

All I can say is, the show better deliver after having to wait this long.

Long winded -- sorry. :)

Marni said...

Oh yeah... don't really like Desmond either, but cried like a baby when Charlie drowned. I think I was one of the few that liked the guy. How can you not like a Hobbit for pete's sake?

Also want to know which side Jack's new squeeze is playing (AHHH, can't remember her name!) Juliette maybe? Who's game is she playing and is it just to get off the island.

Gotta go... have work to do. Could go on and on and on and on...

Marni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whatevergirl said...

Lost is a love/hate relationship for me...I have stayed up til 2 watching episodes back to back...I hate it the next morning, but I always come back for more...I couldn't figure out the coffin thing either!

I have to say that I want Kate to get together with Sawyer...we need another love interest for Jack, and NOT Juliette. She is on my list of "could the writers please kill her off" too...I KNEW she was still on the "others" side. I think she hates Ben, BUT, she wants to get off the island so bad, she will follow his every command!!

On Charlie drowning..I do like Charlie, but I read about his drowning so it was a little anti-climatic for me..The paraphrase said something like "Charlie gasps and drowns". I already knew that he "died" from another source.

My theory: everyone who died on the island isn't really dead and when they get off the island, they all start dying off..that is why Jack wants to go back.

Canadian flake said...

ok I don't watch Lost and could never get into it still ok if I come to visit?? LOL.

katy said...

love lost cant wait for it to come back.

raine said...

I just wish they'd start to look like they need a haircut or can't find the perfect matching belt or something. It's starting to bug me....and hi! whatevergirl - welcome to blogland.

whatevergirl said...

Rain...I do agree about the haircut and matching clothes. One thing that always bugged me was, no one was like missing an arm or something, I mean they crashed in a plane for heaven's sake...not a scratch on them-- unless they died! But, then, the island heals people, right?
Canandian flake-you are more than welcome to stop over, i am sure we will find much more to talk about!